Mobility Scooter and MoPed Rental

Mobility Scooters
AV Central
Office: 248-471-3371
24776 Crestview,
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
These scooters are top of the line. Running up to 15 miles on a single charge. Available with headlight.
Rear wheel drive
Back rear safety bumper with stability wheels
Infinitely adjustable handle maximizes individual steering comfort
360-degree rotation and adjustable/removable flip-up arms
AV Central North
Office: 231-436-6117
702 S. Nicolet Street
Mackinaw City, MI 49701
May 1st thru October 31st
Mobility Scooter Pricing
2 Hours
4 Hours
8 Hours
All Day
2 Day
3 Day
4 Day
5 Day
1 Week

3 Wheel Bobcat Mobility Scooter
High End Mobility Scooter with Headlight
4 Hours
8 Hours
All Day
2 Day
3 Day
4 Day
5 Day
1 Week

Amigo High End Mobility Scooter with Headlight. Up to 15 mile range fully charged.
Phoenix HD4 High End Mobility Scooter
with Headlight. Maximum Range 15 miles.
Wheelchair Rentals
Delivery & Pick Up
On All Rental Items, Audio and Visual
or Scooters, Mobility Scooters, Wheelchairs
Mackinaw Island, ship to island dock, and customer return or ship to Mackinaw City Dock
Mackinaw City
Local Campgrounds
St. Ignace
20% Discount on Delivery and Pick Up charge for 1 week or more rental!
4 Hours Rental
8 Hours Rental
1 Day Rental
2 Day Rental
3 Day Rental
4 Day Rental
5 Day Rental
1 Week Rental